Wednesday 17 June 2009

Obama, America And Palestine

1. Finally Obama, the black President of the United States has made his much awaited speech outlining his views and policies on Islam, the Muslims and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is a carefully crafted speech and certainly it is different from those of George W. Bush or even other US Presidents.

2. The arrogance and the preachings are out but two things American still stand out, and that is the United States is a world super power and that American loyalty to Israel is undiminished. Other things can change but not these two.

3. Hamas is asked to give up terrorism because like the struggles of the blacks of America and South Africa, violence achieves nothing. This is not quite true, at least with other national struggles for freedom and justice. The white Americans themselves fought a war against the British and another war to prevent the break-up of the United States.

4. Elsewhere the struggles for freedom and justice e.g. the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution just to name two, all involve violence.

5. It is not the Palestinians who choose violence. It was the Jews who violently seized Palestinian land, massacred the Arabs and expelled them from their country. With no one prepared to restrain the Jews, the beleaguered Palestinians had to resort to violence. The world, the United Nations, even fellow Muslims have deserted them.

6. I am against violence but when Israel seized more Palestinian land, build settlements, impose military rule, divide the Palestinians with high walls, barred the Palestinians from using roads built by the Israelis on Palestinian territory, denied the Palestinian right to a homeland, denied the right of return of the expelled Palestinian while upholding the rights of return of Jews who for centuries had been citizens of other countries, labelled Palestinians as terrorists while exonerating the Israelis for the massive attacks on Gaza and other places, left the Palestinians helpless when attacked by the Western-armed Israeli Military Forces, incarcerated thousands of Palestinians in Israeli jails, unnecessarily provoke the Palestinians by Sharon's visit to Jerusalem and many, many more assaults and provocations, is it any wonder that the Palestinians resorted to violence?

7. And now they are asked to stop violence to respect agreements. But what about the Israelis? Shouldn't they be told to stop their massive violence; shouldn't they be told to respect agreements and all the UN resolutions, such as those against their setting up settements on Palestinian soil, the occupation of land beyond the UN set boundaries for Israel?

8. Obama stresses America's strong bond with Israel. It is unbreakable. He recognises the aspiration for a Jewish homeland "rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied".

9. But what is the tragic history? It is that of European persecution of the Jews, of the regular pogroms culminating in the Holocaust? It is not the doings of the Muslims. Certainly not the doings of the Palestinians.The tragedy was caused by the Europeans through the ages.

10. Obama must know that before there was the United States, the Jews invariably fled to Muslim countries to seek refuge from European persecution. The Muslims did not turn them back. Before Israel there were millions of Jews in Muslim land. Even today quite a few are still there.

11. The Muslims have never been part of the tragic history of the Jews. Why then must they pay the price for the tragedy caused by the Europeans? Had the Europeans offered part of Europe or America for a Jewish state, there would not be the sustained violence that we see in West Asia. But the Europeans expropriated Arab Palestinian land to give to the Jews. Can an injustice in West Asia atone for injustice in Europe? The Muslim Arabs have to pay for the asylum they provided the Jews by having their land taken away to give to the Jews.

12. To make matters worse the Palestinian Arabs, Christians and Muslims, were violently expelled from Palestine. Israel is to be a racist state for Jews only.

13. America accepts people of different races and religious affiliations. But it supports the exclusivity of Israel as a Jewish state.

14. The Palestinians had tried conventional ways of getting back their land. But conventional ways had failed. They have been forsaken by Arab and Muslim countries. Everytime they try on their own they lose more land because the Europeans and Americans gave military support to Israel.

15. It is only after the failure of conventional wars of liberation that they resorted to unconventional attacks. Can they be blamed? Even the tiny mouse when driven into a corner will fight literally with tooth and nail.

16. We can label the methods of the cornered Palestinians terrorism. But they are themselves terrified and those who inflict terror on them cannot be less of a terrorist than them. State terrorism is no less terrifying than terrorism by irregulars. Indeed State terrorism is more terrifying as we witnessed in Nazi Germany and in Cambodia.

17. I will admit that Obama has brought change. It is a relief after eight years of Bush. But there is an area that he cannot change and that is the blind support for Israel. He has no choice. He will become a one-term President of the United States if he does not.

18. For all the talk about democracy in America, the American majority have no power to choose their President or their Government. That power lies with Israel. They can deny this. But that is the truth. The Americans have become the proxy of the Jews. The Americans will pay a heavy price for this.

credit to Tun Mahathir

Sunday 7 June 2009

Kahwin Awal?

Aku sering membaca artikel2 dan post2 yang ditulis oleh orang ramai mengenai masalah pergaulan antara lelaki dan wanita.

Lelaki tidak boleh keluar berduaan bersama wanita.
Menundukkan pandangan.
Cakap perkara2 yang penting sahaja. Jgan lebih2....

Aku setuju dengan semua itu.....
kerana manusia memang dilahirkan bernafsu terhadap kaum yang berlainan
Saya tidak percaya jika anda katakan anda tidak bernafsu terhadap kaum berlainan jenis
andai kata anda orang yg normal

Tidak lupa juga sehingga menanam sifat bencikan jantina lain supaya nafsu mereka dapat diredakan
Lelaki penipu! perempuan gedik,menyusahkan hidup jer!

Bagi umat Islam yang sedar, semua haluan mereka adalah mencari keredhaan Allah dan syurga-Nya
Tapi pemilihan jalan mereka mungkin berlainan
Jalan hidupmu mungkin seperti Saidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq
Mungkin juga seperti Saidina Omar Al-Khattab
Atau juga seperti Saidina Ali Abi Talib
Kesemuanya tokoh Islam yang disegani
Namun perjalanan hidup mereka berbeza

Apakah solusi aku berkaitan pergaulan lelaki dan perempuan ini??
Pemilihan jalan aku adalah berkahwin awal
Mungkin ade orang cakap,
'ko tu dah bersedia ke?'
'cukup ke duet ko?'
'sangap gila ko'
aku tidak melenting jika mereka berfikiran sebegitu
mungkin jalan yang mereka pilih adalah berkahwin lewat
mungkin mahu menstabilkan kewangan dan pekerjaan dahulu
itu jalan mereka.....
Cuma,setiap jalan ada cabaran yang berbeza

Aku terbaca tafsir Al-Quran, perempuan itu mampu memberi ketenangan bagi lelaki.
Aku bertanya kepada mak,'mak, betul ke perempuan ni mampu memberi ketenangan?'
Jawabnya,'Bergantung pada kelakuan perempuan itu sendiri'
Aku bertanya kepada abangku,'bang, betul ke perempuan ni memberi ketenangan?'
Jawabnya, 'a'ah'
Aku bertanya lagi kepada makku tentang sepupu lelaki seusia denganku yang telah berkahwin
'Mak, Mujahid tu macam mana sekarang?'
Jawab mak,'Uih, member2 die sekarang semuanya orang dewasa. Kalau dia borak2, dah nampak kematangan dalam diri die'
Aku:Mana dia dapat duet nak sara bini die?
Mak:Die ade buat katering. Bisnes sendiri cuma join ngan orang lain.

Dia telah melangkah ke satu tahap kehidupan yang seterusnya
bagaimana kematangan boleh sampai ke dirinya?
dulu aku tengok, duk ber'enjoy'
maybe itulah ketenangan yang dia telah rasai
Aku? Cuba melangkah ke tadap kehidupan seterusnya menerusi bidang yang lain
jeles dengan die?
ade la jgk sikit
membesar sama2, tapi tahap die lebih tinggi daripada aku sekarang
contoh, kalau sembahyang berjemaah, lebih afdal imam itu orang yang dah berkahwin
Namun,aku mungkin bernasib baik kerana masih mempunyai mak yang cool
sumber inspirasiku yang utama

Aku juga bersyukur kerana ibubapaku memahami situasi kahwin awal ni
mungkin kerana ramai ahli keluargaku ramai yang berkahwin awal
mungkin juga kematangan pemikiran aku mengenai perkahwinan semasa berborak dengan mereka membuatkan mereka percaya kepada aku
Mereka cuma berkata,'kalau ko nak kahwin awal, calon ko cari sendiri. Mak boleh carikan kalau ko dah jadi bujang terlajak nanti(lepas abis belajar)'
Mendapat restu pun aku rasa dah cukup besar bagiku
mak:calon dah ade ke?
Aku:xde. xpe, boleh cari
mak:kalau dicari, kekadang xjumpa
aku hanya mendengar, mungkin betul mungkin tidak
kakak mencelah, 'ko xpayah cari. ko tu bakal doktor. luar negara plak tu. ko balik m'sia bersepah2 pompuan terkejar2'
aku: kak, ini bkn melibatkan popular.aku nak ketenangan yang abang Nasir, dan Mujahid dapat rasakan tu.Orang lelaki ni kalau xdiberi tanggungjawab, kekadang duk merapu, enjoy xtentu pasal.

keluarga dah restu
calon xder.....
mcm mana boleh jadi mcm ni?
hilang keyakinan untuk mengorat perempuan
sebab ape?
past-experience trauma
tgh bina balik keyakinan diri

panjang pulak entry kali ni
sebenarnya hanya untuk memberi solusi tentang pergaulan lelaki dan perempuan iaitu kahwin awal
cuma duk tulis panjang sebab mungkin ade kwn yg calon semua dah ada, tapi family xrestu
so, ini sekadar berkongsi pengalaman dan pemerhatian aku
nak hujah lain?
aku ada baca satu buku, lupa dah ape tajuk dia
tapi bunyi die lebih kurang mcm ni'ingin kaya?cepat kahwin'
ada banyak ayat2 al-quran die bagi
contoh surah AN-Nur, ayat 32(bukak tafsir)
selain tu, ada die buat kajian
dalam senarai orang terkaya di indonesia,kebanyakkannya berkahwin awal
nak tahu lagi, baca buku tu

kahwin awal atau lewat, dua2 nya ada cabaran masing2.....
yang paling penting, perancangan

sekian, semoga membantu